This Rockstar WP Plugin Is A Game Changer And Now It?s Time To Level The Playing Field?
This easy to use WP plugin works directly from your WP blog and silently monitors your websites visitors. Thanks to some very clever programming we have created a plugin that can silently detect which of your website visitors are logged in to Facebook and which ones are not.
And this is the really clever part?..
The plugin will only work on those visitors who are logged-in to Facebook during the visit of your website. When it detects that one of your visitors are logged-in to their Facebook account and they click ANY link on your site, the plugin hijacks that click and actually posts a ?Like? on their Facebook wall about your content or automatically ?Like? your Facebook Fan page. It works exactly as if they had clicked a ?Like? button but without alerting the visitor of what?s just happened.
The plugin has been designed NOT to hijack any links within AdSense ads or YouTube Videos. This means that it is 100% safe to use on sites that have AdSense ads on them.
Once the ?Like? has been processed, if the visitor continue to browse, any other link that might they click on that page will then work as normal.
When the same visitor navigates to another page on your site the plugin will NOT hijack links. We built this feature of the plugin to prevent multiple ?Likes? being processed by the same user.
We felt that if Facebook notices someone seeming to ?Like? every page of you site it would look suspicious to Facebook and to the user.
Remember, we?re trying to keep this as stealth as possible. One ?Like? on a persons is enough to achieve our goal here.