NeoDownloader is the fast and convenient solution for bulk downloading any files from any websites. But, in the first place, it is intended to help you download and view thousands of your favorite pictures, photos, wallpapers, videos, mp3's and any other files automatically.
Just specify a link (URL) and choose what you want: download from one web page, download a single image gallery, download multiple galleries, download entire website, download from tgp site, and this fully automatic batch downloader will do the rest.
* Downloads your choice of pictures, audio, video and any other files.
* Easy to use even for beginners.
* No pop-ups and banners.
* Supports ZIP/RAR archives.
* Up to 20 simultaneous connections.
* Downloads from TGP sites and password protected sites.
* Supports downloading URL ranges.
* Advanced filtering - allows to download only those what you want.
* Built-in image viewer with slideshow capabilities and audio/video player.
* Ability to set any downloaded picture as a Windows wallpaper.
* and much more!